Why is ethical fashion important?

why is ethical fashion important

Ensuring the ethical manufacturing of my designs has been a value I have held close to my heart since the very inception of Lazy Girl Lingerie. 

As individuals and as businesses, we have the opportunity to create change - whether led by our choice in purchases as consumers, or our contributions as a business. We have the opportunity to raise awareness and make a positive impact on the fashion industry. 

Ethically made (amidst other things) refers to the wage a person is paid to create a product, the conditions they work in, sustainability and the environment. A higher price point doesn’t always mean a product is ethically made. I would also point out that made in Australia isn’t always ethical too - treatment of workers in our own country can often be below-par, particularly in the fashion manufacturing industry. 

Working in the fashion industry both in my brand and other brands prior to starting my business, I came to realise firsthand that yes while a garment can be manufactured ethically, there are still a number of other factors to consider in the  process - fabrics and fabric sourcing and waste come to mind immediately, as does the life span of a garment. 

What are your feelings towards ethical fashion? Is is something that you care deeply about? Is is something you would like to know more about? I would love to know your thoughts on this topic. I think it is an important one, and starting conversations can lead to awareness and change. 


Cass xx

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