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Cute ideas to celebrate Valentine’s Day 

In my humble opinion, Valentine’s Day is all about celebrating LOVE in whatever form feels best to you. I absolutely believe that celebrating love (or lingerie!) doesn’t have to be for someone else. That’s why I have put together a mix of ideas for Valentine's Day that you can celebrate with a partner, your gal pals or just riding solo and soaking up some quality time with the most important relationship in your life - you!

Idea #1 - Hello, Slumber Party!

valentine's day slumber party
valentine's day sleepover party

There just ain't no party quite like a slumber party! Toss together an epic celebration of love for your very best gal friends. I can't think of anything much sweeter than a night with the ladies I love most, in our comfiest PJ's, slumber partying like it's 1999 ;)

Idea #2 - Breakfast in Bed 

valentine's day ideas breakfast in bed

valentine's day proposal

Start the day right this Valentine’s Day!  Even if you are domestically challenged (this is a term I have developed for myself after one too many mishaps in the kitchen!) putting together some waffles, fresh berries and some syrup is easier than you think, and what sweeter way to start your day right. My go to is Taste for simple and easy recipes :) 

Idea #3 - Pamper Yo'self

valentine's day ideas solo

I think it goes without saying that Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be spent with anyone else to be enjoyed. Heck, here’s your excuse to go ALL out on yourself and be your own darn Valentine! Make this February 14th your chance to 'date yourself' and do whatever fills your cup up most - celebrate yourself! You most definitely deserve it. 

Idea #4 - Good Old-Fashioned Date Night

date night ideas for valentine's day

valentine's day ideas for him

When was the last time you: went roller skating, watched a movie at the drive in or had a stroll in the botanical gardens? Let’s get romantic with some yesteryear inspired date nights, that actually don’t cost much more than a pretty penny. If you are local to the Brisbane/Scenic Rim area, some local areas to check out are the Mount Tamborine Botanical Gardens, Yatala Drive In and Gold Coasters might love  Epic Skate in Tweed Heads. 

Idea #5 - Pamper Package

valentine's day gift ideas

Share the love for afar this Valentine’s Day, and gift someone close to your heart something special and unexpected to brighten their day. Special occasions can also be a REALLY hard time of year for some, so even setting up a Skype date with your friend you know is going through a tough time, is the greatest gift you can give of all.  

I hope you have loved the ideas I have put together, and I’d love to know what your plans are this Valentine’s Day! 

Love and lingerie, 

Cass xx



Photography: Kirsten Hough
Handmade Gemstone Jewellery: Luna Tide

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