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"Art is a practice" by Alee Art Space.

Art is a practice
Love is a practice
Listening is a practice.
We get better at what we practice....

brsbane artist alee artspace

These words inspire the work of Alee Art Space, who Justene and I are so excited to have joining us for our Wintergarden pop up store from November 12-18.

self love art work by alee art space brisbane

Alee’s artworks are hauntingly beautiful, coming from her lived experiences, from intense physicality and work over the past 25 years as a psychotherapist. She draws on her own experience of trauma, alienation and liberation, while apprehending the beauty and bravery  witnessed in others, seeking to represent something of the complexity of what it is to be human. Uncertainty, longing, courage, joy and surrender.

self love artwork by alee art space

One lucky visitor will also have the chance to win one of Alee’s artworks as one of our lucky door prizes for our “Celebrating Women with the Love of Lingerie” launch event, so be sure to RSVP to be in the draw to win. Getting jealous of these giveaways!!


Cass x

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